
Media Ship International, yacht broker leader in the sale of second-hand yachts

Compravendita di Yacht
Visits: 3,221

If you are considering the purchase of a second-hand yacht, Media Ship International is the reference yacht broker in Italy since 1989. Every day the Media Ship team takes care of selecting new boats for you and is constantly striving to guarantee you an excellent used sailing or motor yacht at a great price. The passion for boating and the dedication for this work have allowed us to be the Italian leader in the sale of sailing and motor yachts.

Every day on our website you can find hundreds of offers and deals on all types of yachts for sale, don’t miss the numerous opportunities, and if you are not convinced that you have found the right boat among the boats used for sale on the site, you can just contact us We will assist you in choosing and show you how to find the used boat that suits your needs.
The advantages of buying a second-hand yacht
The second-hand yacht has already been tested and checked
The second-hand yacht is already equipped
The second-hand yacht has a lower price per se than a new yacht
The second-hand yacht may have won prizes, or be a unique model of its kind
The second-hand yacht does not have to be built, it is available immediately, you will not have to wait months or years to sail.
Every day we publish in the Price Reductions section the best deals on used yachts and all discounts and offers on used boats for sale on our site.
Follow us on the Facebook page and get information on the latest models on sale and news on the world of used yachts and boating.

Contact us and make an appointment to view the used boat models for sale whenever you want.

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