
TAG Heuer Vela Festival 2017 – Italy, May 4-7

vela festival
Visits: 1,758

TAG Heuer Vela Festival

Location: Santa Margherita Ligure

Timing: 4-7 maggio 2017

Salone dedicato alle barche a vela di ieri di oggi e di domani 

Official Website: http://www.velafestival.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/velafestival/?fref=ts

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpc2lPdgqjldtbxXuiZGGZcfyYRgX8__8

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/velafestival/



VELA Festival is a meelting point for shipyards and nautical companies who aim at promoting the trade of sailboats and accessories.

A side from that, the space of the exhibition is thought for the wellness of the visitors: they can touch and feel what our sector has to offer.

The VelaFestival is considered the first real event in Italy which is entirely focused on the sailing world. It finally brings together all the true sailing lovers outside the magazine’s context.

Now in its fifth edition, the TAG Heuer VELAFestival is the event dedicated to the world of sailing and to the sea organized by Il Giornale della Vela.

It is the largest sailing festival in the Mediterranean where enthusiasts and onlookers meet in an ideal harbor finding everything to satisfy their passion for the sea.

Yachts and their world, the events, special guests and participants themselves all play a leading role.

Visit our stand and try our X-Yachts Xc-50 Extra-Trifix at Vela Festival, now for sale.

Entrance is free. The TAG Heuer VELAFestival is complemented and amplified by the range of channels of the Giornale della Vela.

The VELAFestival is organized by Giornale della Vela, the italian leading sailing media network. Giornale della Vela is the unique sailing magazine in Italy able to reach all the owner, trade market and sailor.


VelaFestival is the Mediterranean’s largest 360° sailing event, spanning:

– A boat show

– An accessories and equipment show

– Events & Forum

– Sporting activities



source: http://www.velafestival.com/about-velafestival/


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