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The M/Y KATJA was built in wood in 1929 by the English shipyard Brooke, based in Lowestoft, to a design by H. Parker. She was one of over 800 private boats that participated in the historic Operation Dynamo, the massive evacuation that, during the Second World War, brought back to England  hundreds of thousands of British soldiers surrounded by the German army at Dunkirk.

“KATJA” has remained intact to this day thanks to the care of her four owners throughout the decades, two English and two Italians, the last of whom has been the owner of KATJA since the early 1990s. In 1992, during the gathering of classic boats in the Principality of Monaco, Katja obtained a score of 156/210, earning first place in the evaluation of the ASDEC (Associations of Vintage and Classic Hulls).  In 2003, “KATJA” underwent a complete refit in the famous Fratelli Mileo Shipyard, specialized in the construction of wooden boats.

The refit included: the replacement of the hull planking with also the reconstruction of the keelson, as well as caulking, plastering and painting; the replacement of the engine and the four-bladed thruster, the installation of the bow thruster, the renovation of the teak deck and the systems (electrical, hydraulic and fuel), the replacement of the rudder with a new hydraulic control.

A remote mobile wheelhouse has also been installed, which allows “KATJA” to be conducted from the exterior, directly from the main deck. In addition to the main engine, a second Perkins auxiliary engine was installed, with a folding blade thruster.  “KATJA” has sumptuous and welcoming interiors: bow master cabin with double bed and guest cabin with separate single beds, both equipped with private bathroom and impeccably maintained in line with the style of the time. Excellent engine performance (10 kn cruising speed and 12 kn maximum speed), while the wooden dinghy built in 1934 by the historic Ligurian shipyard Baglietto, based in Varazze, is of great charm, equipped with original oarlocks and oars as well as the tender. VIEW BROCHURE