
Oceanis 461: bluewater cruiser

Oceanis 461
Visits: 4,810

The concept and construction of the Oceanis 461 are directly linked to the Oceanis range experience. Owing much to her predecessors, whether in terms of her dimensions, the technology used or in aesthetic and practical choices, the Oceanis 461 fits perfectly into Beneteau’s “cruising” range. The Oceanis 461 has a vocation for long-distance cruising, in the greatest comfort and safety. Her long hull, designed by Bruce Farr and Associates, has great potential for impressive speed and gives you that quiet powerful sensation only felt on board true offshore cruising yachts. The structure of the Oceanis 461 is based on the same principles that have made such a success of the whole range: the bonded and laminated inner molding ensure the best possible spread of rigging and keel loads throughout the hull. The Oceanis 461 is a solid bluewater cruiser with impressive speed and a rig that is innovative and efficient. Strength and reliability have been built into every aspect. An incredibly spacious, bright and well-ventilated interior is complemented by beautiful traditional exterior lines. Awarded 1997 Boat of the Year Category: Full-Size Cruiser, Best Value by Cruising World Magazine.




Oceanis 461 layout

Bruce Farr has again combined forces with Beneteau to bring us this new Oceanis 461. It is Euro-styled all the way, and if you like that type of boat, this is a good one. Personally, I’m not too Euro in my yacht tastes. Still, I like to study the beautiful way the Beneteau design team sculpts and tools its decks. The brochure gives the styling credit to Armel Briand. With the weight of the Farr design office behind the shaping of the hull, we can be sure that this will be a good sailing boat. The D/L is 157. It’s a beamy boat, with plenty of beam carried to the transom. The ends are short but the counter is elevated enough to avoid dragging the transom around. I checked the sheerline with my straightedge and it’s not dead straight, but it’s very close. There might be a total of 3 inches of spring in the entire sheer. Flattish sheerlines go well with this general styling approach. Rudder and keel are stubby enough to give a 5-foot, 9-inch draft. The keel has both bulb and wings. I think there is enough plan form in this low-aspect-ratio fin to give this shoal-draft boat reasonable upwind performance.  The rig is stoutly stayed with babystay forward, swept spreaders and fore and aft lower shrouds. On one of the drawings I looked at there appears to be a Doyle Stackpac shown on the foot of the main. This is a favorite of mine, having cruised with it. It amounts to a mainsail cover attached to the foot of the main and supported by the lazy jacks. The SA/D is 17.41 using 1, J, E and P. The 461 comes with three interior layout variations: two-, three- and four-cabin layouts. Obviously, the four-cabin layout is intended for charter parties. The three-cabin layout has three heads, while the four-cabin layout has two heads. I prefer the two-cabin layout with its galley tucked aft rather than stretched along the port side. All layouts are very well- designed.


Oceanis 461 int

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